ME saga are a group of applications which make the most of the geolocation possibilities with the new smartphones. This applications are focused in the location of the user in the moment he is using the app. The features of this applications are mainly based in the advantages of geolocation.
Tweri on road
Available in iOs and Android
tweri on Road is a mobile app which offers peace of mind to relatives and friends while the user is on a road trip by car or motorbike.
Tweri Alzehimer Caregiver
tweri es a mobile phone application avaliable for iPhone and Android phones, which is meant to improve people with Alzheimer's disease autonomy while their relatives and caregivers keep calmed when the patient is out.
Available in iOs
rescataME -rescueME in English- is a rescue and security mobile application. When a person is in danger, rescueME sends out an alert message from the iPhone so as to frighten off possible attackers. It also allows to ask for help providing the user's location in emergency situations.