12 July 2013
How are the mobile apps of the future?
We talk about context-aware apps on The API Hour, the event that gather all the API professionals and developers.
Sergio Alcalde en su intervención.
The fourth edition of The API Hour took place last July 11th. This event, that revolves around the APIs, was celebrated on the BBVA Innovation Center and demonstrated once again that the APIs are completely changing our environment and shaking up the world of technology.
The event dealed with topics of great interest such as smart cities, mobile payment or geolocation and APIs that analyze the context of the apps.
This is the case of topoos, the platform developed by solusoft about which Sergio Alcalde, Head of R&D departament of the company, talked about. With the title "Present and future of apps. Context-aware applications", the conference was about the growing importance of the environment for mobile apps.
For some time one of the biggest points of applications is that that adapt to what the user is doing at that precise moment. Leading companies are now putting great efforts to develop this kind of applications, something that requires a basis of technical knowledge and infraestructure.
topoos appeared due to this issue. This platform created by solusoft allows anyone to develop his own context-aware app breaking down these entry barriers.