15 July 2010
rescueME Lite New version
It has released a new version of RescueME in Lite mode
Nueva versión de rescataME Lite
A new version of rescataME, our first mobile application for iPhone is available on the Apple App Store.
The version now allows to set the precision with which rescataME get your position and the distance you go to update it.
The mode of rescataME Lite has all the functionality of direct request relief from the application. In this mode an alarm occurs when you press a panic button. RescataME instantly send an email with our position to the preselected target, and immediately after a call to the emergency number, all while producing a shrill sound. Since then and until further notice, send regular updates to the device's position.
This method was conceived so that the users of iPhone could prove a functioning part of rescataME before purchasing the entire application.